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2 Translation results for select in Spanish

verb | adjective

select verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
selected, has selected, is selecting, selects
escoger, elegir, seleccionar (a un candidato, etc.)

Example sentences of
select verb

  • Please select one item from the list.
  • The school will only select 12 applicants for enrollment.
  • Knowing the importance of making the right choice, he selected carefully.
  • Select “Insert” from the “Edit” menu.

select adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
select adjective

  • Only a few select employees attended the meeting.
  • A select committee was formed to plan the project.
  • The group was small and select.
  • A select number of people are invited.
  • Only a select few will be accepted into the program.
  • He only drinks select wines.

Synonyms of
select adjective

Detailed synonyms for select adjective

Select, exclusive, choice, chosen significan que destaca debido a su carácter o calidad superior.
  • Select se refiere a uno que se ha elegido con discriminación en preferencia a otro de la misma clase <invited only a select audience>, o puede usarse en el sentido de superior o exceptional con poca o ninguna connotación de elección <a select band of soldiers>. ant indiscriminate
  • Exclusive indica esencialmente un carácter que pone a un lado o elimina cualquier cosa que no es compatible o congruente <these two beliefs seem mutually exclusive>, pero con respecto a personas, grupos o instituciones, suele connotar una impresión de superioridad como el motivo por el cual se elimina lo que es considerado inferior a ciertas normas impuestas o a requisitos exigentes y críticos <membership in an exclusive club>.
  • Choice generalmente describe mercancía de alta calidad especial <selecting the choicest fruit>.
  • Chosen connota estar marcado para favor o un privilegio especial <an opportunity for the chosen few>.

Reverse translation for select

escoger  - to choose, to select 
elegir  - to choose, to select, to elect 
seleccionar  (a un candidato, etc.) - to select, to choose 
selecto  - choice, select, exclusive